Industry-Led Agriculture Research from PAMI
We support industry led research by providing engineering expertise and project management capabilities while collaborating with farmers, equipment suppliers, operators, agronomists, universities, and other contractors.
Partnerships with producer and government funded groups is on-going. Together, we are working to advance the agriculture industry to be more sustainable, more productive and more innovative.
- Faba Bean Production Guidelines
- Understanding Grain Pneumatic Conveying in Seeding Equipment
- Effect of Cereal Crop Residue Distribution on the Following Year's Canola Emergence & Yield
- Minimizing Air Seeder Damage to Peas
- Evaluation of Emission Reductions and Cost Savings in Sectional Control Air Seeders, Drills, and Sowing Equipment Across the Canadian Prairies
- Factsheet - On Farm Survey Of Combine Grain Loss In Canola Across Western Canada - 2019
- Full Report - On Farm Survey Of Combine Grain Loss In Canola Across Western Canada - 2019
- Combine Adjustment: Don’t Set it and Forget it!
- Efficiency of Straight Cut Canola Harvest-Part 1
- Efficiency of Straight Cut Canola Harvest-Part 2
- Increasing Soybean Harvest Efficiency-Year 1
- Increasing Soybean Harvest Efficiency-Year 2
- Quantifying Combine Auto Adjusting Capabilities in Canola
- Comprehensive Natural-Air-Grain-Drying (NAD) Factsheet
- Blowing a Lot of Hot Air: Basics of Bin Management
- Equilibrium Moisture Content Charts and Information
- Measuring and Estimating Airflow Rates from Fans
- FAQ for Supplemental Heating
- Grain Storage and Drying FAQ
- Improved Management of Stored Pulses
- Understanding Grain Pneumatic Conveying in Seeding Equipment
- Overcoming Business Interruptions and Advancing Product Development with Computer-Aided Engineering
- Spray Drift Management Under Changing Operational Requirements
- Experimental Characterization of the Aerodynamic Wake of a High Clearance Sprayer
- Modeling and Numerical Simulation
- Agronomic and Economic Effects of Wetlands on Crop Yields Using Precision Agriculture Data
- Beneficial Management Practices for Agricultural Tile Drainage in Manitoba
- Comparison of Tiled and Untiled Land in Heavy Clay
- What is Subsurface Drainage
- Increasing Field Efficiency by Consolidating Standing Water
- Artic Test Centre: Extreme-Temperature Testing
- Advanced Finite Element Analysis
- Assessment of Rolling in Non-Stony Fields
- Crop Processing Development Centre
- Implications of changing agronomics (restrictions on glyphosate use) on harvest practices and postharvest grain handling
- Electrification of grain drying to reduce the impact of carbon pricing – preliminary investigation
- Electronics Lab & Cable Shop
- Technical Advisory Retainer
- Technology Innovation Support
- Product Flowability Testing
- Rear Impact Guard Testing and Certification
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